

This is a long ramp.  It's a very slight incline, but the length is what's going to give her trouble.  More trouble, that is to say.  Her jaw is hanging open and she's groaning slightly as she shuffles along, listing slightly to the left because of the limp.  It would have been easier for her if she'd managed to keep her cane in her left hand, but that was forgotten some time ago.  She might have fallen over if it weren't for the heavy purse that dangled absently from her opposite shoulder in an unconscious balancing act.  But there's no stopping her, there's no amount of physical infirmity in her that can top the unending hunger deep down inside her.  Relentless, she shuffles up the ramp with unfocused eyes on the closest bank of slot machines.  There's one machine wide open, thankfully one with armrests. 

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