

The art of hurrying without appearing to hurry is best seen in a teenager, trying to get through his family meal as quickly as possible, without giving away the fact that all he wants to do is get the fuck out of there.  Kyle flashes a big and disarming smile, he talks and jokes constantly, eating hugely; taking seconds and thirds if he can get them.  Family dinner is a pure pleasure.  His family can hardly get a word in edgewise, all they can do is laugh and eat and smile.  But this is his plan.  Kyle talks and talks so that they eat and eat, the more time he talks the more time they chew and slurp and swallow away.  And in between funny anecdotes about school -fictions, he hasn't been to school in weeks but they can't know that, oh no- he sucks down huge, gulping bites of whatever they put in front of him.  Not just because he has a terrible, ravenous hunger way down deep inside his liars chest.  But because the faster he eats, the sooner the food is gone.  And the sooner the food is gone, so is he.

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