

"That's just typical liberal bullshit."  Hmm, no that won't do.  "Stop being such a..."  What is the word I need, what is the word.  "u need 2 stop being such a faggot and get yer head out of ur ass."  Yes, yes.  Perfect!  The complete disregard for spelling and grammar coupled with a challenge to his manhood, that's the stuff.  That is the very stuff that will surely earn his ire!  I take my craft quite seriously, I do.  For you see, I am what some people might call a 'professional troll.'  Well, one as learned as I would prefer to be called an agent provocateur but I understand that 'troll' is the preferred vernacular.  But yes, I take great pride in finding the best possible way to needle people over the internet.  What can I say?  It pleases me greatly.  Anonymity coupled with intelligence with a dash of wit...yes, I know my business.  I revel in it!  Every angry word I elicit from an opponent, worthy or unworthy...yes, it's like fine wine.  Your rage is like fine wine to me.  I savor your rage, from a hundred different sources.  Now, back to work.  "Barack HUSSEIN Obama is running this country unto the ground in every way possible."  Yes, yes.  Putting stress on the President's middle name like that is always unpleasant, both intellectually and aesthetically.  And using 'unto' instead of 'into' ought to get his goat as well.  Oh, I'm on a roll today!  

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