

Get some eggs, flour, butter, salt, vanilla extract, baking soda, baking powder, white sugar, brown sugar, newspaper, read the paper, what's in the paper, she's getting married, she's getting married, get some tissues, drink the vanilla, get a nip of whiskey, drink a beer, drink all six beers, more beers, get a pizza, get some chicken, throw out groceries, fuck the groceries, who needs groceries, get more beer, another whiskey, another whiskey, a glass of water, a beer and another whiskey, yell at bartender, curse at bartender, yell at bouncer, curse at bouncer, wipe blood from mouth, use the tissues, curse at bouncer, curse at bouncer, pick self up off pavement, wipe blood from nose, go to car, revolver, load one bullet, crying, and crying, and crying and crying and crying, load more bullets, get out of car, curse at bartender, curse at bartender, curse at EVERYBODY, fire gun.  Chocolate chips.

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